To celebrate the detection of Gravitational Waves on 14 September 2015, EGO has organised a “Gravity Day” on the site of the Virgo interferometer in Cascina.
The program of that day foresees site tours, seminars, astronomical observations and the spectacle “Star Waves” in the evening.
Booking to participate in the activities is mandatory, by calling at 050 752 325 or e-mailing to
Entrance is free.
Gravity Day program:
Seminars and site tours at 15:00 and 17:30
Observations of the Sun in the afternoon
Spectacle “Star Waves”: a fantastic journey through space-time in the auditorium of EGO at 21:00
followed by astronomical observations.
A sensory visit path dedicated in particular to blind people will be inaugurated on the occasion.
Partnership with the associations:
Associazione Cascinese Astrofili
Teatri della Resistenza
Unione Italiana Ciechi